Up until the Archaic Greeks created the very first freestanding statuary, a remarkable achievement, carvings had mainly been completed in walls and pillars as reliefs. Most of these freestanding sculptures were what is known as kouros figures, statues of young, attractive male or female (kore) Greeks. The kouroi were considered by the Greeks to rep
Take a Hike: The World's Recommended Treks
The very best walkabouts are not only about the actual walk but rather they embrace the historic and culture of the locale. Still, this kind of journey is no simple feat. They will challenge you on a physical level and mental level, leaving you with an indelible mark of the vastness of our earth. Here, we have shown 8 greatest hikes. Peru's Inca Tr
Things to Do and See in Asia
Bustling, vibrant Hong Kong is a hub for fashion, food, banking, and trade in Asia. Don’t miss Phuket, the largest of Thailand’s islands and one celebrated for its gorgeous scenery and cultural attractions. Known as the “Queen of the Arabian Seaâ€Â, Cochin (or Kochi) in Indiaâ€â
Did You Know How Technical Concepts of Fountains Became Known?
Instrumental to the development of scientific technology were the printed papers and illustrated publications of the time. They were also the principal means of transmitting practical hydraulic facts and fountain design suggestions all through Europe. An unnamed French fountain developer became an internationally renowned hydraulic pioneer in the l
The Grace of Simple Garden Decor: The Wall Water Fountain
Since garden water fountains are no longer dependent on a nearby pond, it is possible to place them close to a wall. Nowadays, you can eliminate digging, complicated installations and cleaning the pond. Plumbing is no longer a necessity since this feature in now self-sufficient. However, water must be added consistently. Empty the water from the ba